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Instant Knockout Cut vs Leanbean vs PhenQ – Which is the Most Effective Fat Burner to Tone you Up?

The modern-day lifestyle is associated with many behavioral patterns that facilitate weight gain. We are all aware of the health risks associated with obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease and breathing problems. It can also take a toll on your self-esteem and affect your confidence. Fat burners are dietary supplements that are supposed to help you burn excess fat from your body. So, including weight loss supplements in your diet can help you lose weight in a sustained manner.  But which fat-burning supplements to buy, which is the most appropriate for your body type, this guide will guide you through your purchase as necessary.

Why is belly fat stubborn?

Belly fat can be hard to lose regardless of how well you eat and how intense your workouts are. While you do need to have a proper diet and exercise routine, losing weight isn’t just about calories in vs. calories out. The belly fat is largely influenced by your lifestyle and hormones. Excess belly fat could mean you have high insulin, high cortisol, low estrogen, and low progesterone levels.

Another reason you struggle to lose belly fat is stress. When you are stressed, you are likely to resort to binge eating and crave high-calorie, high sugar foods. This makes your body release more cortisol. Not only is cortisol itself a stress hormone, but it also enlarges fat cells. This results in fat storage around your midsection.

Lack of proper sleep puts your body under stress. When you are sleep-deprived, the body increases the production of ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, making you crave calorie-dense foods.

Aging also leads to a decline in metabolic rates as the body becomes less efficient in burning fat and toning up.

How can I reduce my belly fat?

When it comes to losing weight, it is important to have realistic expectations. Extreme dieting can have severe consequences, such as saggy skin, hair loss, irritability, and more. When you constantly deprive yourself of food, your body produces more ghrelin, which is the hunger and fat-storing hormone. Therefore, when you start eating normally again, it causes you to gain more weight quickly.

It is not possible to spot reduce a particular area of the body. Factors like genetics, hormones, diet, body type, and composition determine when and where the fat comes off first. This means doing 1000 crunches alone will not help you in reducing belly fat. To reduce your belly fat, you have to reduce your total body fat percentage.

 Here are some practical ways to lose belly fat.

  1. Diet: In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit in your diet, meaning that you must burn more calories than you consume. Calories come from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, but all calories are not the same. Fats and carbohydrates are not the villains they are made to be. For example, there are good fats that are required for a healthy brain function, heart health, skin, and joints. They also add taste and satiety to your diet.

    Similarly, good carbohydrates are packed with nutrients, speed up metabolism, and help you lose weight. You must aim for a healthy and sustainable diet that can become a part of your lifestyle, as opposed to a fad diet that deprives your body of its basic requirements.

  2. Exercise: Your workout should include strength training and high-intensity training (HIIT) along with cardio exercises. While cardio is great for your overall health, it is not enough to burn belly fat. Your body stops burning fat right after your cardio workout. Strength training increases your resting metabolic rate, tones your muscles, and helps burn calories even after the workout.

  3. Managing Stress: Activities like deep breathing, long walks, yoga, and meditation can help you manage your stress levels. Additionally, it is important to get proper rest to fuel the waking hours and help your body recover. Aim to sleep for 7-9 hours every night, practice sleep hygiene, and avoid taking caffeine in the evening or using gadgets before bedtime.

How to pick fat burner supplements and appetite suppressants and how do they function?

There are several fat burners available on the market and it can be daunting to choose the right fat burner supplement. Fat burners can contain natural or synthetic compounds. They usually burn fat by increasing thermogenesis, a process by which humans burn calories to produce heat. Fat burners often contain appetite suppressants as well, to help you lose weight effectively. Most fat burners are also meant to energize you before a workout.

Therefore, fat burners usually contain a stimulant, usually caffeine.  It is important to study the fat burner ingredients list and choose the ones with proven effects. You can choose a product with a specific active ingredient or one with multiple active ingredients. In the latter case, individual substances can have a synergistic effect, such as the combination of curcumin and piperine.

What are the best fat burners?

Out of the dozens of fat burners available in the market, certain products have always made it to the top due to their cutting-edge formula backed by clinical research. But which one among them is worth your money? That’s ultimately your call, but here is our analysis.

No. #1: PhenQ

PhenQ is a weight loss supplement that works for both men and women. It is designed to give you multiple weight loss benefits in one pill and contains ingredients proven to promote weight loss and help build lean muscle mass. The formula is suitable for vegans and doesn’t require a prescription. PhenQ fat burner helps to:

The formula contains all-natural ingredients with proven weight loss benefits and is free from artificial fillers or additives. Although the product is unlikely to cause any side effects, one can experience negative reactions even from natural ingredients. These include bloating, nausea, and headaches, which can last for a few days. The brand recommends limiting the consumption of other sources of caffeine while taking this supplement.

Also, PhenQ should be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women and people under the age of 18. People taking prescription medications should consult a doctor before taking PhenQ.

Double up your weight loss process 2x times with PhenQ, Order today from Official Website.

No. #2: Instant Knockout Cut

Instant Knockout Cut is a potent fat burner that helps you to burn fat while maintaining your muscle mass. It is designed to burn stubborn fat, build muscle, and support weight loss. The product was originally developed for MMA fighters but it gradually gained popularity among the masses due to its unique fat-burning formula. The Instant Knockout benefits weight loss by:

The supplement is equally suitable for women as it is for men and in women, it will not add bulk to your frame. Due to high levels of caffeine and other energy enhancers, it should be avoided by people who have trouble sleeping and people below the age of 18.

*NoteInstant knockout was rebranded as Instant Knockout Cut in 2011 wherein some of the ingredients were replaced, as requested by consumers.

Raise your body temperature with Instant Knockout, the Best Professional Fat Burning Formula, buy from the Official Website!

No. #3: LeanBean

LeanBean is a fat burner tailored to women helping them lose weight and burn their stubborn fat. It is meant to give you a flat stomach and an overall toned body. It also boosts your energy levels, making you feel energized and active throughout the day. Alongside, LeanBean helps to:

The ingredients in LeanBean have been meticulously researched for safety and its low stimulant approach helps prevent any caffeine jitters or nausea. Garcinia Cambogia may result in stomach upset if taken in excess. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the recommended dose.

Losing fat is no longer a big deal with Leanbean, the Best Women-Centric Fat Loss Aid, visit Official Website!

Common Ingredients in PhenQ, Instant Knockout Cut and LeanBean


A common ingredient found in all these 3 weight loss supplements, this helps in:

Unique ingredients in PhenQ

Unique ingredients in Instant Knockout Cut

Unique ingredients in LeanBean

LeanBean also contains glucomannan, chromium picolinate, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, and the purpose of these ingredients has already been discussed above as they are also included in PhenQ and Instant Knockout Cut.

A Quick Comparison PhenQ vs. Instant Knockout Cut vs. LeanBean

 PhenQInstant Knockout CutLeanBean
Weight loss pathways533
Made in FDA & GMP approved facilitiesYesYesYes
Ingredients usedNaturalNaturalNatural
Suitable for men/ womenBoth men and womenBoth men and womenSuitable for women only
Side effectsMildMildMild
Price (1 month supply)$69.95$65$59.99
ShippingWorldwide free shippingShips to selected countriesFree shipping on complete bundle
Money-back guarantee60 days money back guaranteeNo90 days money back guarantee
Where to Buy the Best Fat Burning Supplements?Click to visit PhenQ Official Website.Click to visit Instant Knockout Cut Official Website.Click to visit Leanbean Official Website.

Our Verdict.

While there are quite a few promising fat burners in the market, PhenQ turns out to be the most efficient fat burner due to its:

To book your Order for the Best Fat Burner, visit the PhenQ Official Website and Grab the Latest Discounts!
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